Heather is a special creature.
It is a rare gift to explore the multiplicity of Life with her. Part of that gift is the depth and breadth of her personal experience. This is a woman who has truly traveled the road herself. The wisdom she has gleaned has been synthesized with both rigor and humility.
Another boon of connecting with Heather, is she can effortlessly draw on the expansiveness of the imaginal-mythopoetic lens, then just as naturally, she will ground in practical embodiment, all while attuning with sensitivity, to the relational field between you.
And there is more! All of this is nested within an ecological consciousness that embeds us in the magic and majesty of nature's healing resonance. Heather will help you re-enchant your life on your own terms, she'll do so with strength, softness, humor, and reverence.
Expect her to be honest, to challenge you, and to lovingly support you on your path!
-J.C., Psychedelic Assisted Therapist