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5-Day Wild Quest

Sat, Mar 02


Mount Shasta

The wild environs support this transformative journey to awaken spirit and open to soul. The multi-day WildQuest provides the container for those ready to cross the threshold into a deep and sustained conversation with body, psyche and the beyond human environment...

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5-Day Wild Quest
5-Day Wild Quest

Time & Location

Mar 02, 2024, 6:00 AM – Mar 06, 2024, 6:00 AM

Mount Shasta

About the event

Do not wait for great strength before setting out, for immobility will weaken you further. Do not wait to see very clearly before starting: One has to walk toward the light. Have you strength enough to take this first step?  - Phillipe Vernier (French Protestant Minister)


These multi-day offerings allow deeper opportunities to explore your soul intentions with guidance and support of the wilds.  We explore various aspects of the soul-psyche “construct” in search of balance, bringing shadow materials to light and giving permission to be whole, in full expression of self.  Following the model of traditional Rites Of Passage, each quest includes introductory days with short periods of explanation thematic to the quest intention, followed by solo time.  Depending on the length of the quest you choose, there will be a 36-72 hour solo fast followed by an integrative mirroring of experience and closing ritual celebration.  Of course, no “one” experience brings completion:  Rather, when we feel a call, notice something is missing, or feel a questioning, an opportunity like this gives us the space and time to seek out new ways of being and understanding ourselves in the world.

The wild environs support this transformative journey to awaken spirit and open to soul. The multi-day WildQuest provides the container for those ready to cross the threshold into a deep and sustained conversation with body, psyche and the beyond human environment. Fasting and solo time in nature are pivotal in these experiences:  By emptying our bodies and mind we may become open to our soul’s stirrings and spirit’s understanding of your path to human embodiment moving forward.  If you feel ready for change, if you feel the tug of a deep longing or feel the call to a new role, the Wild Quest provides space and support for your inquiry.


The WildQuest is a facilitated, multi-day immersion in nature.  Fasting and solo time are integral to the experience to allow space and time to receive the emergent messages central to your being.  Each quest is slightly different in length and intention.

Five-Day Quest:

Two days are spent in preparation for a 36 hour solo fast, followed by an evening of welcome, and a day-long integration and closing.

Eight-day Quest:

We spend Three days in preparation for a three day (72 hour) solo fast, followed by two days of return, integration and closing.

Six-Eight weeks prior to your quest you will receive some suggestions for preparation.  It is highly recommended to spend some time in contemplation, reflection, and quiet in order to orient to the task and challenge ahead.

On arrival for your quest, you will be oriented to the structure of the upcoming days, then be offered invitations for exploring aspects of self, and rituals of practice.  You will select your solo-site and ready yourself for your solo vigil.  After your vigil, you will be welcomed with a nourishing meal and an opportunity to reorient to others slowly.  After that night’s sleep, we gather to share story, receive reflection, and return to silence before our closing ceremony.

Simple vegan meals will be provided for your experience.  However, we are unable to accommodate all food sensitivities, so if your needs differ you are welcome to provide your own nourishment.

All seekers will bring water and emergency food, along with an emergency whistle, emergency blanket and personal gear.  Your guide(s) will be informed of your solo site and will watch over your well being from afar.

We will gather in the week that follows your quest for a group integration (on zoom).

You are also invited to pre-book one or more post-experience one on one sessions should you find that supportive.

My pricing is designed to create access to these meaningful experiences for people of varying means.

  • Tier 1: Teachers, EMTs, firefighters, service workers, students, others with limited incomes.(1-2 spots per quest): $1000
  • True Price: this is the actual price of the experience, recommended for individuals with an annual income between $80,000-$120,000: $1500
  • Pay It Forward: this tier is for individuals earning more than $120,000 per year, or those in households earning more than $150,000/year: $2000 

I thank you for choosing the ticket tier that honestly reflects your experience.

Your need and generosity are equally appreciated in this community.

If you have questions, please reach out to me at


  • October Wilderness Quest

    A day of solitude and fasting in the safe container of ritual, leadership, and community in the West Sonoma County forest.

    From $150.00 to $350.00
    Sale ended
    • $150.00
    • $250.00
    • $350.00



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